Michael Coudrey: “Companies that fail to compete die, and companies that fail to adapt starve.”

The only way to succeed in business is by employing a systematic and concentrated approach. I learned everything about industry and mapped out my execution exactly. I utilized procedural lateral thinking and the application of knowledge to each specific company directive and endeavor to ensure of its success. I became better than all the competitors, because ultimately business is war and the CEO is the strategic commander. Companies that fail to compete die, and companies that fail to adapt starve. It is one of the most intellectual endeavors one can partake in, as it is the societal manipulation of the systems in which we live to create and maintain massive wealth.

After your original business success through one medium or sales channel, it is important to continually employ and orchestrate a systematic approach to your expansion. For companies starting as eCommerce, you should:
1. Employ a specific approach to open additional sales channels for our products, including Walmart and Google Shopping, and various other forms of ecommerce marketplaces.
2. Employ a specific approach to opening additional sales channels through retail distribution. This includes franchise retail stores, pharmacies, supermarkets and others.
3. Contact wholesalers and sell them discounted units with the intention of them placing your products in retail locations.
4. Hire graphics designer to update and aid us in the development of our branding and product/company aesthetic.
5. Execute global expansion by applying steps 1–4 in foreign countries.