Michael Coudrey: Las Vegas Republican Meetup Smashes Organizers Attendance Expectations

Michael Coudrey
2 min readMay 20, 2019
Courtney Holland, Megan Barth, Michael Coudrey, and Tiffany Fung

On May 15, 2019, MAGA Meetup Las Vegas hosted its 2nd Las Vegas based conservative event aimed at bringing local conservatives together to effect community change in federal and state politics.

Some of the notable attendees included the Nevada State GOP Chairman, local Republican Party officials, two Nevada Candidates for Congress, one California Candidate for Congress as well as conservative aligned social media influencers and content creators.

Omar Navarro, a Congressional Candidate in California’s 43rd Congressional District facing Maxine Waters, attended the Las Vegas Republican Meetup

After the first successful event at Trump Hotel in Las Vegas, the event organizers Courtney Holland, Megan Barth and Tiffany Fung were forced to host the event at a larger venue due to sizing restrictions at Trump Tower.

The total expected occupancy was expected at 60–100 high profile attendees, however the results smashed expectations after overwhelming community interest. In total, hundreds of local conservatives attended for a night of networking and strategy discussions, ranging from discussions on topics such as social media and digital information warfare, grassroots campaigning methods, shaping public opinion and what should be done to organize local change in politics.

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Michael Coudrey

Michael Coudrey is an American entrepreneur, investor, and speaker who serves as the chairman and CEO of the Pharos Investment Group.