Michael Coudrey speaks at the Constitutional Millennials Gala in Washington DC

Constitutional Millennials, an organization of young Americans working to restore our country back to its Biblical foundations and limit the federal government to its Constitutional boundaries, hosted a Black Tie Affair in the heart of Washington D.C. at the Capitol Hill Club this May 9th at 7 PM.
The gala honored a group of true American Patriots, who understand freedom is never guaranteed and the next generation will inherit only what freedoms we vigilantly fight to protect today. Our honorees, Pastor Darrell C. Scott, Rabia Kazan ‘Middle Eastern Women’s Coalition’, Martha Boneta and Julio Gonzalez, while well known public figures in politics and business, are perhaps best known for their willingness to place faith and country above personal gain.
There were a number of influential guest speakers:
- Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson’s Daughter-in-Law Merlynn Carson M.D.
- Congressman Duncan Duane Hunter
- Dr. Gina Loudon, Best selling author endorsed by President Donald J. Trump, Trump 2020 Media Advisory Board Member, news personality and political commentator
- Pastor Darrell C. Scott, American pastor, CEO of the National Diversity Coalition for Trump, CEO of the Urban Revitalization Coalition and a member of President Donald Trump’s Executive Transition Team
- Rabia Kazan, Award winning activist, best selling author and President of the Middle Eastern Women’s Coalition
- Martha Boneta, Policy Advisor and nationally recognized Commentator on politics and current affairs
- Donna Rice Hughes, President and CEO of Enough Is Enough, best selling author, speaker and film producer
- Sara A. Carter, national and international award-winning investigative reporter, Fox News Contributor and nationally recognized commentator
- Christianne’ L. Allen, Founder of Constitutional Millennials , President at D.C. Digital and former Intern and Spokeswoman to the 2016 Donald J. Trump Presidential Campaign
- Stephanie Myers, Former Contender on the Apprentice, Co-Host of Your Voice America, Mexican-American Advisor to NDC Trump and IT Strategist
- Amy Kremer, Chairman of Women for Trump
- Stephanie Hamill, Co-host of Fox5 DC and Former Advisor to The National Diversity Coalition for Trump
- Michael Coudrey, Poltical Strategist and CEO at Yuko Social
- Dr. Jane Rudy, American author, New Right journalist and health economist
Notable guests in attendance included 2 Republican Representatives in Congress, a number of news anchors, social media influencers and other conservatives activists.
Senator Rand Paul also sponsored the event to allow it to take place at the Republican-only Capital Hill Club.